Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Freaks, Ahoi!

Did you ever visit one of those anime/ manga-conventions outside of Japan? If not, you better continue to stay far, far away from them in case you can't familiarize with odd peeps in general... well, at least that applies to Germany/ Europe. While these guys and girls are completely harmless as well as mostly very kind and open, they always creep me out big time whenever I see them. This is no bashing or something, I just can't get along with some of their weird/ embarrassing behaviors. It's okay to like Japan... after all, they totally dominate the world's gross national weirdness. I guess we can all agree that Japan is indeed kick ass! But addressing none-Japanese-people by Japanese names or throwing phrases and words in that language at each other all the time, w/o actually speaking it... that's just lame. And stop calling everything "cool" or "cute" just because it's from Japan. Seriously you guys, I could make money from you just from shitting in a bag and writing something Japanese on it. Face it: most of you are NOT JAPANESE, start growing some own national pride. Being cultural interested is always an awesome thing - being completely obsessed by it however, is not!

Also, let me have a word on the matter of cosplay here. This may appear a little shallow but the thing I noticed is, that many people do it without consideration of their own look. They just dress up for "fun" and "affection" for their favorite character. Okay, if you guys take so much fun in it, so be it. But pleeeeease, don't go public with a intentional sexy-cosplay (close to none body cover) when you weight 120 Kilogram or so. Absolutely NOBODY wants to see this, it's in no way appealing - just purely shocking! Oh, and it's okay to buy a costume if you don't have the skills to make it on your own. Everything is better than looking like you wear a goddamn potato-sack, really. And finally, let me say this: put some shoes on when you walk outside or in public places, being barefooted there (even if your cosplay should "require" it) is nothing but frigging nasty!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Postal - Another Cinematic Suicide

Most people did already hear of him: The German director, producer and businessman Uwe Boll which has focused on porting video games to movies with his own studio Boll KG. Averagely, Mr. Boll's movies are being criticized for simply being bad and ruining the name of a good game franchise. I mean like "OH, SHIT! I WISH I COULD UNWATCH IT!"-bad. Personally, as huge game fans, we can agree with this. However, after seeing first trailers for his movie Postal we were pretty convinced, that this time, it will be an actually good movie. Dark humor is our thing... and the game got plenty of it. Things were looking good for this movie since the game was already so very much fucked-up (in a good way) that chances of ruining it were close to none. Yet, after watching the DVD-release last weekend, we both agreed: Postal is the worst movie EVER made and screening it should be forbidden by law with immediate effect - it's horrible! But of course Mr. Boll thinks of his movie, like always, as the greatest masterpiece ever made. Here's a quote from a website concerning Boll's Postal in German:
Uwe Boll glaubt, er sei besser als Steven Spielberg

Uwe Boll zelebriert Größenwahn in Vollendung. So startet seine mäßige Komödie Postal (siehe auch Filmkritik zu Postal bei GameStar) in den USA am 23. Mai. Am selben Tag kommt auch Indiana Jones 4 in die Kinos. Doch Angst überkommt angesichts der übergroßen Konkurrenz nicht. In einer E-Mail an bloody-disgusting.com schreibt er, warum sein Film gewinnen wird. "Am Indiana-Jones-Wochenende werden wir starten und Indiana Jones an der Kinokasse zerstören! Wir alle wissen, dass Harrison Ford älter als mein Opa und seine Zeit vorbei ist -- würde Michael Moore sagen!"

Uwe Boll

Auch für Spielberg hat Boll einige nette Worte übrig: "Spielberg wird schluderig. Wir haben das bei Krieg der Welten (warum zum Teufel hat der ältere der beiden Brüder überlebt?) und teilweise schon bei Der weiße Hai, E.T., München usw. gesehen! Meine schauspielerische Leistung in Postal als Besitzer des Nazi-Vergnügungsparks übersteigt locker die von Ben Kingsley in Schindlers Liste!"
Frankly, he's saying that he will "destroy" Indiana Jones 4, which screens on the same date as Postal in the USA (23. May). Furthermore, he obviously thinks he's better than Steven Spielberg in terms of movie making and calls his theatrical appearance in Postal, as owner of a Nazi-theme park, better than Ben Kingley's in Schindler's List. Nevertheless, we believe Boll to be a really cool guy. I mean, just look at what insane shit he's saying! And he takes his critics head-on in the boxing ring. You simply can't beat that, haha. Anyway, he should lay his hands off video game-movies... or movies in general. That's just not his thing. Really.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Army of Two - Some Tough Shit

With a little delay, we could lay our greedy little hands on Army of Two at last. This much-anticipated title of ours is totally focused on coop-gameplay. However, of course you can play this game in singleplayer-mode as well... but with a KI-buddy, pretty much everything sucks about it. This title is just meant to be played by two people. Well, but was it any good? The answer: Yes, it was pretty damn good! Took us about 9 hours to complete AND we had to switch the difficulty setting from "Mercenary" to "Recruit" towards the end because it's really kinda hard. With never-ending hordes of enemies swarming at you, you will eventually find yourselfs running out of ammo later in the game. Needless to say that this sucks pretty much ass in a shooter. The loads of enemies can get a little repetitive over time... but if you're up for the challenge, try to beat the game in the "Elite" setting and see how far you can get. To sum it up, this is a pretty good game for all of those, who enjoy coop-gameplay as much as we do. Everyone else should probably stay away from it since you won't even get close to unfold it's full potential in the singleplayer-mode.